Sunday, March 16, 2014

Japan Lesson on Economy and Environment: Our Pollution Experience

Big Pollution Diseases of Japan

Itai-itai disease literally translates to “ouch-ouch” disease, named for the painful screams of its victims.  It occurred in 1950 in Toyama Prefecture in Japan.  However, the first time the disease was reported here was in 1912.  Toyama Prefecture was at the time the leading industrial prefecture on the Japan sea coast. It is disease was of mass cadmium poisoning in the world. Cadmium poisoning means a serious example of the toxicity of some metals in the body.  In the body cadmium has no constructive function, meaning it serves no biological function except as a toxin.  Cadmium is highly toxic even at low doses.  Some of the effects of acute cadmium exposure are flu-like symptoms, fever, chills, muscle aches. Therefore, people who consider themselves victims of itai-itai disease have to contact the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare to have their claims assessed. Many victims were not satisfied with government actions and demanded a change in the official procedures. This caused the government to review the criteria for recognizing a victim legally; the government also reassessed the treatment of the disease.Surveying in Toyama Prefecture began in 1971, and by 1977 1500 hectacres along the Jinzū river were designated for soil restoration. These farmers were compensated for lost crops as well as for lost production in past years by the Mitsui Mining and Smelting, Toyama Prefecture, and the national government.

Yokkaichi asthma, occurred in the city of Yokkaichi in Mie Prefecture, Japan, between 1960 and 1972. Cause by burning of petroleum and crude oil released large quantities of sulfur oxide that caused severe smog, resulting in severe cases of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema, and bronchial asthma among the local inhabitants. The generally accepted sources of the sulfur oxide pollution were petrochemical processing facilities and refineries that were built in the area. And also the effect of this incident ,fish caught in Ise Bay developed a bad taste, causing local fishermen to petition the government for compensation for their unsaleable fish in 1960. And in this case court case brought against Showa Yokkaichi Oil and initially adjudicated in September 1970. The class was ruled to contain 544 individuals, but that number has increased over the ensuing years.

Minamata disease the cause is effluent from the factory. It is a neurological syndrome caused by severe mercury poisoning. And the symptoms include ataxia, numbness in the hands and feet, general muscle weakness, narrowing of the field of vision, and damage to hearing and speech. In extreme cases, insanity, paralysis, coma, and death follow within weeks of the onset of symptoms. A congenital form of the disease can also affect foetuses in the womb. The toxic chemical also harmful  for the animals and fish that  in Minamata Bay and the Shiranui Sea came from the industrial wastewater from the Chisso Corporation's chemical factory. However, the government announcement brought a feeling of relief to a great many victims and their families. Many felt vindicated in their long struggle to force Chisso to accept responsibility for causing the disease and expressed thanks that their plight had been recognised by their social superiors. The struggle now focused on to what extent the victims should be compensated.
 An arbitration committee was duly set up by the Ministry of Health and Welfare on 25 April, but it took almost a year to draw up a draft compensation plan. A newspaper leak in March 1970 revealed that the committee would ask Chisso to pay only ¥2 million ($5,600) for dead patients and ¥140,000 to ¥200,000 ($390 to $560) per year to surviving patients. Ant the final agreement was signed on 27 May. Payments for deaths ranged from ¥1.7 million to ¥4 million ($4,700 to $11,100), one-time payments from ¥1 million to ¥4.2 million ($2,760 to $11,660) and annual payments of between ¥170,000 and ¥380,000 ($470 to $1,100) for surviving patients. On the day of the signing, the Minamata Citizens' Council held a protest outside the Minamata factory gates.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Sibutu and Tumindao Islands

Sibutu Isaland

Sibutu is a municipality in the province of Tawi-Tawi, Philippines. It is the southernmost municipality of the Philippines. It lies about 14 kilometers east of the coast of Sabah, Malaysia.

Sibutu Island is an island in the Sulu Archipelago in Sibutu municipality, Tawi-Tawi province, Philippines. Its area is 109 km². It is an important site for nature conservation-Conservation is an ethic of resource use, allocation, and protection. Its primary focus is upon maintaining the health of the natural world, its fisheries, habitats, andbiological diversity. 

Secondary focus is on materials conservation and energy conservation, which are seen as important to protect the natural world. 

Those who follow the conservation ethic and, especially, those who advocate or work toward conservation goals are termed conservationists. Although in the Sibutu is already in the lower part of the Philippines. 

The Island is already beautiful and maybe the mainly business or work of the people are fishing. Because they are already live near the sea.

Tuminado Island:

Tumindao Island is a island and is located in Province of Tawi-Tawi, Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, Philippines. The estimate terrain elevation above seal level is 1 metres. Variant forms of spelling for Tumindao Island or in other languages: 

Tumindao, Tuminado Island, Tumindad Island, Tumindao Island, Tuminado Island, Tumindad Island, Tumindao, Tumindao Island. This isaland almost near in the malaysian country. And the resources they get is in the seas. 

Therefore, Philippines are many hiding beautiful places that we need to explore and discover to appreciate how our country to have that natural resources.


Sulfur Cycle

Sulfur Cycle
The sulfur cycle includes both gases and solids. Hydrogen sulfide is release d into the atmosphere by volcanic eruption, hot spring, and the anaerobic decay of sulfur-containing biological in swamp, bogs, and tidal flats. Certain marine algae produce dimethyl sulfide, a volatile compound that enters the atmosphere as tiny droplets. Sulfur dioxide gas is released into the atmosphere by volcanoes and also forms when dimethyl sulfide reacts with oxygen gas. Wherein the burning of fossil fuel, such as cool and oil, releases sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere. Sulfur dioxide reacts with atmospheric oxygen to produce sulfur trioxide. Some sulfur trioxide reacts with tiny water droplets to form sulfuric acid Sulfur oxide also reacts with ammonia to produce tiny particles of ammonium salts. The winds carry droplets of sulfuric acid and particles of sulfate salts, which then fall to the earth in acid deposition. By adding sulfur compounds to the air, the use of fossil fuel increases the rate of acid deposition. And therefore, we have notice that all living things require sulfur to make proteins.

Plants get sulfur by taking up ions of sulfate salts from the soil. Animals get sulfur by eating plants, and all living things release sulfur compound when they decay. Decomposition releases sulfate salts which can be taken up by plants, as well as gaseous hydrogen sulfide. Some hydrogen sulfide enters the atmosphere. But when decay occurs in an oxygen free environment, anaerobic bacteria break down hydrogen sulfide and release sulfur gas. Oxygen requiring bacteria can incorporate sulfur into sulfate salts, which can be taken up by plants and enter the food chain once again.

Shell-Eco Marathon 2014

Shell-Eco Marathon 2014
Shell Eco-marathon challenges student teams from around the world to design, build and test ultra-energy-efficient vehicles. With annual events in Asia, the winners are the teams that go the furthest using the least amount of energy. The events spark debate about the future of mobility and inspire young engineers to push the boundaries of fuel efficiency.
Shell Eco-marathon Asia 2014 took place for the first time in Manila, Philippines, on February 6 to 9, 2014.The stage was set for the Shell Eco-marathon Asia hold in Manila, presented and organized by the Shell companies in the Philippines. The renowned annual competition challenges students from around the world to design, build, and drive vehicles that exemplify smarter mobility, and to find innovative methods in addressing future energy challenges.

For instant, our school Don Bosco Technical College was participated for this event to show the ability and skill of each team members in terms of technical and other academic performance. So, I humbly to say that one of I’m lucky being as a member of this event as a Cadet. And I know that even if this extra-curricular was very difficult to balance the time because we also studying some subject together with this event. But I’m very thankful that I already handled it of this situation because I’m part of this event.

We (Team Forza) hardly do our task just to finish our car the prototype (HEV). However, when they come, the final event was already started and every each student of our school was already goes to the venue in Manila Rizal Part. We saw the different design and innovation of each car from different team/school. Each of cars was amazing and great built and very environmental friendly. And we also saw in the venue the energy lab, every single innovation was very purposes for the environment.

Zero-Waste Christmas Party

Zero-Waste Christmas Party


Before the end of the year 2013, we 4-ME students celebrate Christmas Party on December with the theme of “Zero Waste” party. Zero waste means we did not buy some utensils for serving the foods. Instead we are already assigning by group to bring the things individually. Especially the foods we serve also by group.
Zero waste Christmas party is an environmental party; instead we using other disposable things for the party like the basic need the plates, fork, spoon, glass and ect. We bring personal utensils to avoid the waste after eating to trash to the trashcan.
However, in this event party we are happy to celebrate including our professor of this subject “Environmental Engineering” Ma’am LLorente and some professors to participate and enjoying this party.

But the bottom line of this party the Zero Waste party is to practice and discipline of each one to save our mother earth. And we must considered the next generation if this traits will be follow, surely our environment will be save.