Wednesday, November 27, 2013


1.       Describe some of the emotions you felt during the film. Which aspects of the video had the greatest impact on you and why?

I felt sad and scared because we already experience the effect of the climate change maybe because of the wrong doing of people. The greatest impact in the film that have seen was in America that almost 95% of mountain was totally destroy because of factory, commercial units, and some more. And because of that, how about the next generation? It sad to say, they never experience the beautiful nature before.

2.       What information contained in the video was to you?

Awareness was already put to our mind that every nation has more problems about the environment because of the global warming/climate change that so many country has already destroy their resources because of the human nature as done.

3.       What topics presented in the film would you like to explore further? Do you know what you need to know in order to continue learning about environment issues? If the answer to the question is no, how can you find out what you need to know?

The topic I like to explore further was about the oil and gas, the fuels getting up from the Middle East and other country that I cannot imagine what or how affect the environment. And I don’t know more about the environment issues. Maybe to continue my learning about the environment is more searching and exploring by the help of the social media and network. And also reading some book, magazine and ect. about the issues in environment.

4.       Discuss the ways that eating produced food is an environment issue. What can individual do to support the local production and consumption of foods? 

Maybe as myself I can plant some vegetables, fruits, and ect. And maybe I can propose to the local government the livelihood program and agricultural program to support some consumption of food. But before that I must to attend some seminar to settle the program that I have corporate so that I can manage very well . 

5.       Who should see this film and for what purpose? Who might be unreceptive to the ideas in the film and why?

We should see film because this is telling to us and remembering that our nature where end at anytime if we don’t some action to prevent the destruction of the environment. The purpose of the film was do some action because it’s not end to save our nature even if we consider the important things in this earth like the generation and also our self.

6.       Share one issue or item that you wrote on your index card while you were watching The 11th hour.

The issue that I’ll never know that what if the mountains where continue to wash out turning into the mountain of buildings like in the America that almost 95% totally damage the mountain on the hand had no mountain to see. The animals that kills illegally and also some animals where already suicide there selves maybe because the changes of the climate. So the issue is how about the next generation that they are suffer at the end.

7.       As a result of your having seen this film, what, if any, specific action do you think you will take?

Maybe as myself, I should already discipline myself because this is the first action we should be done to settle the problem issues of the environment. I need to control myself to use anything that some affect the environment. And when I saw the film, I need or we need to save our mother nature an action like recycle the plastics, and some more that we must to recycle and also segregate the waste very well and planting the tree that one of the best to do, to reduce the pollution, flood and ect.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Environmental Engineering (sustainability)

1. What is sustainability?

The concept of sustainability centers on a balance of society, economy and environment for current and future health.  Responsible resource management in all three areas ensures that future generations will have the resources they need to survive and thrive.
Adopting a culture of sustainability throughout all aspects of academics, research and operations is the ultimate goal for a campus concerned with the impact it has on the community and the future.  A sustainable campus promotes socially just and vibrant communities, is economically responsible and conserves finite resources.

2. How can you as a student contribute to sustainability?

As a student maybe I should be a responsible that minimize the negative impact and maintains the balance between the social aspect, environment and economic growth to ensure the better or desirable planet for all human being and living organism in this earth for now and in the future. As a also student I will a proactive decision-making and new simple innovations specially in the field of my future career as a mechanical engineer that support to everyone, through social and environmental effects of economic activity. Currently as student, I will also support in terms of eco-system that implies organization through environmental friendly, like in school activity I joined in the shell eco marathon that conquer the innovation that need to sustain the fuel energy saving. And that’s some action to take care the environment, social and economical aspect.